This international art exhibition is open to
2D mediums including painting, mixed media, collage monoprints, monotypes, drawings and photographs.
FORMAT: ONLY SQUARE FORMAT – any size – old / existing works are accepted
The digital photos of the final artworks must be taken in high resolution as 300dpi jpg.
- Participation fee de 30€ (Automatique ACCES Membership).
- All artworks will be printed on a 20 x 20 cm. canvas.
20€ (twenty euros) will be charged for every artwork (maximum 4 artworks per artist).
- 1 artwork = 50€ (30€ participation fee + 1 artwork)
- 2 artworks = 70€ (30€ participation fee + 2 artworks)
- 3 artworks = 90€ (30€ participation fee + 3 artworks)
- 4 artworks = 110€ (30€ participation fee + 4 artworks)
- All artworks and artists will be included in our website for 1 year.
Deadline for submission: 15 Dec 2021
1 – First step
- Your profile or history of your activities as an artist.
- Several photographs of the work you are considering submitting (limits; up to 5 works; 20MB or less per picture) or other documents such as a portfolio that showcases your works. No specified formats or specifications for the documents to be submitted.
Please send your application to
We will contact you within a week after the screening to inform you about the next steps and the official registration.
2 – Second step
Participation fee de 30€ (Automatique ACCES Membership).
All artworks will be printed on a 20 x 20 cm. canvas.
20€ (twenty euros) will be charged for every artwork (maximum 4 artworks per artist).
- 1 artwork = 50€ (30€ participation fee + 1 artwork)
- 2 artworks = 70€ (30€ participation fee + 2 artworks)
- 3 artworks = 90€ (30€ participation fee + 3 artworks)
- 4 artworks = 110€ (30€ participation fee + 4 artworks)
All artworks and artists will be included in our website for 1 year.
**Payments – Bank Transfer, PayPal or Credit Cards
3 – Third step THE DATES
Online EDITION – target date: last week of MARCH 2022
(same date as physical exhibition)
Physical EXHIBITION: in FRANCE (exact address will be announced later)
target date on 25 March to 3 April.
- We will have digital exhibition posters, invitations cards, high resolution certificates for all the participants.
- Prints are available with a minimum cost.
All the final dates will be announced according to the global health conditions.
Printed posters, invitations cards, high resolution certificates and a high quality catalogue
could be acquired for a minimum cost price, pre-order is necessary to get the cost price.
** All the printed artworks on 20×20 canvas will be on SALE, proceeds of the exhibition are going to be donated to a designated charity project of ACCES.
- We, ACCES, will not get any commissions on sales of the original artworks. ACCES will only facilitate the direct contact between the collector and the artist, during the exhibition.
- After the exhibition, the Original Artworks could be for SALE. If ACCES is the one to do the transaction, we will charge according to our website regulations.
- After the exhibitions, all 20X20 prints will be continuously available for SALE on our website. All profit will be donated for the charity projects.