50€/year – membership fee
Annual Membership with ACCES provides the following services:
- A discounted participation fee for other ACCES hosted activities.
- When ACCES announces the opening of new competitions, Open Calls and other activities to the public through our website, social media, and newsletter. ACCES Members will receive an advance private announcement with submission instructions via email.
- If the Member is interested to join in any of the proposed activities, ACCES will assist in purchasing the entry.
- ACCES will assist the Members to go through the instructions on the submission forms thoroughly to ensure a successful submission of entry.
- After submitting the form, Members will receive an email confirming that their submission has been well received.
- Each Open Calls and competition has a submission deadline – a date and time by which all submissions must be completed. ACCES will remind the Members of the deadlines and other information regarding the activity that they are joining.
- Members who joined the co-hosted exhibition will have a special announcement on ACCES social Media and Website. This special announcement format will be sent to the Member by email and can be shared on their social media platforms.
- The ACCES team is here to help with any questions or issues that may occur during the process of any Open Calls, competitions and other activities.
Why Become a member and join Art & Cross-Cultural Exchange Society ?
There is a famous proverb saying: “THE HAND OF THE GIVER IS NEVER EMPTY”. In the World we are living in now, art can be our way to connect, to share or to give back to the world and our community.
ACCES adheres to the fundamental principles of solidarity, respect, openness, mutual support, fraternity & charity.
Art is our way of expression, revealing who we are and what we are.
How do apply ?
1) Your profile or history of your activities as an artist.
2) Several photographs of the work you are considering submitting (limits; up to 5 works; 20MB or less per picture) or other documents such as a portfolio that showcases your works. No specified formats or specifications for the documents to be submitted.
Please send your application to acces.rennes@gmail.com
We will contact you within a week after the screening to inform you about the next steps and the official registration.
Looking forward to this new adventure. Working on rest of info for you. ThanksMargo
Phyllis Shipley
Johnson City, Tennessee USA
1440 North Jennings Lane
Rockledge, Florida 32955